For the first time both of us placed in a contest at the same time. Julie placed third in the Wetpixel Our World Underwater contest, while Cor placed third in the Wetpixel Deep Indonesia contest. Cor also had an honorable mention in the OWU contest. Our prices were quite nice and included a camera + housing + printer and two dive suits.

The price winners can be seen here.
| link | Comments Off on We both placed in contests posted February 16th, 2007 12:48 by cor
The februari issue of Duiken Magazine has an article written by Cor about Digital Asset Manegement. As digital photographers have more and more images, some form of management is a must if you want to be able to find a needle in the haystack.

You can read the article on our PDF article page.
| link | Comments Off on Article in Februari issue of Duiken Magazine. posted February 10th, 2007 12:15 by cor