Welcome to Cor & Julie's journal

Molting spider (Gardening, Photography)

Julie found a molting spider today in the garden, the first time we ever found one. Pretty cool to watch it squirm out of its old skin and harden its new one.

[smugmug url=”http://uwimages.smugmug.com/hack/feed.mg?Type=gallery&Data=5555045_zd47d&format=rss200″ imagecount=”100″ start=”1″ num=”100″ thumbsize=”Th” link=”lightbox” captions=”false” sort=”true” window=”false” smugmug=”false” size=”L”]

6 Responses to “Molting spider”

  1. Kippy says:

    Awesome! I am terrified of spiders, so could never have gotten close enough for shots like this, but Jeremy and I were just talking about molting spiders this weekend, so I made sure to send him the link to these images. Very cool, Julie. :)

  2. Kippy says:

    Hey guys, I posted a link to this from my blog today, and in case anyone asks (I’ve been meaning to ask, myself), how long did the process take? And was the spider able to just get up and walk away right away, or did it have to rest up a bit first?

  3. Faye L says:

    This is fantastic! It’s certainly a blessing to be able to witness this part of a spider’s life. It seems so vulnerable to me. Thank you for sharing it.

  4. Marcia Smith says:

    WOW~ I came here via Kippy’s page and I’m as amazed as she is. This is not only fantastic photography, but a real education as well. I had no idea that spiders molted! Like Kippy, I’m not over fond of the critters and have been trying to warm up to them since I was a small child, all to no avail. I’m just blown away by your photography here and watching one of natures time honored pastimes – shedding skins. Thanks for the view! :-)

  5. Daniela says:

    Hi Julie and Cor, I’m Dani, a friend of Kippy and I’ve got to your place because my curiosity was killing me after seeing her post! Here I loved your pictures and found the whole blog very informative! Thanks for sharing ;-)
    Now, if you don’t mind, I’ve already noticed a tag reading DOLPHINS and I’d love to see what you have there!
    Thanks again!


  6. Peggie says:

    Wow, great pics. I could probably get close enough. I am not really scared of spiders exactly. Just highly allergic to them so I have to be careful. They are fascinating creatures though.